연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 기능성 고분자(III)
발표장 포스터장
논문코드 3PS-194
발표일 2019-10-11
발표시간 16:00-17:30 (게시시간: 13:50-17:30)
논문제목 Inhibitory Effects on Melanin Production in B16 Melanoma Cells of fractions from Schisandra chinensis
발표자 김한혁
발표자 소속 경북테크노파크
저자 김한혁, 정아름1, 서미자1
소속 경북테크노파크; 1(주)하늘호수
논문초록 Melanin synthesis is controlled by a cascade of enzymatic reactions regulated at the level of tyrosinase in melanocytes and melanoma cells. In an ongoing search for new tyrosinase inhibitors from natural sources, the dried leaves of Schisandra chinensis (SCL) were extracted with 70% acetone and separated into fractions 1-3 (Fr.1-3). Fr.2 showed potent tyrosinase activities with 22.0 % inhibition concentration 1000